Ocean Discharge of Radioactive Water from Japan

Date: 21 July 2023 (Fri)
Time: 19:30-20:30
Duration: 1.0 hour
Venue: The webinar will be conducted via ZOOM
(Webinar link of HKIWSS will be provided for successful applicants)
Ir Dr. CHAN Hon Fai BBS
Ir Dr. CHAN Hon Fai BBS is the president of HKIWSS. He was the past chairperson of Advisory Committee on Water Supplies and has more than 40 years of experience in environmental engineering and management. He has been in charge of numbers of projects related to water quality and pollution control. Dr. CHAN has been teaching renewable energy including nuclear energy at HKU on part time basis.
Dr. LIU Yaohui, Keane
Dr. LIU Yaohui, Keane, is expert and working group member of HKIWSS. He serves as assistant professor in Faculty of Science and Technology. His research interests are in hydraulics and water and wastewater technology.
The tsunami with a wave over 14 metres (46ft) high hit Fukushima nuclear plant on 11 March 2011, flooding the plant and knocking out the emergency generators. Three of the reactors overheated and partly melted the cores. The officials decided to pump seawater into the reactors in a desperate attempt to cool down fuel rods and avoid a complete meltdown that could release radioactive fallout across much of the country and beyond. More than a million tonnes of water have been used to cool the melted reactors. It is kept in huge tanks but they are running out of space and expected to be filled up by 2022. Japan has approved releasing the radioactive wastewater into ocean on 13 April 2021. How will it affect the safety of the ocean environment?
This webinar will discuss the potential impacts of discharging radioactive wastewater from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant into Japanese waters. International guidelines/standards for ocean disposal of radioactive waste will be investigated. Monitoring and testing of radioactive wastewater will be introduced. Possible treatment will be explored to reduce its impact of the radioactive wastewater. The ocean circulation will be also discussed to predict the impacts to coastal area of HK.
Space: 90 (first-come-first-serve)
Free of Charge is for attending webinar only.
HK$50 is for Non-member (attending webinar with CPD certificate).
HK$30 is for HKIWSS- member (attending webinar with CPD certificate).
Note for Registration:
- Duly completed application forms accompanied by payment receipt (if applicable) together, email to info@hkiwss.hk
- An official receipt (for CPD handling fee) will be distributed to the registrant only and mail with CPD certificate.
- The seminar will be cancelled when the typhoon signal No. 8 or above, or black storm warning is hoisted 3 hours before the seminar commences.
- Information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, loaned, or disclosed to third party.
Payment Method:
Payment should be made to “Hong Kong Institute of Water and Sanitation Safety Limited”. Or deposit at “HSBC” Account No. 149-657132-838. Please email / WhatsApp bank receipt (marked with your name) to [email protected] / HKIWSS WhatsApp 91989325.